Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Meet Pat Ferguison of Vollara

Making the decision to look after yourself is the ultimate in Health Care.

Two favorite quotes I like to share

“Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you.” From Madelne Bridges

“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”
From Ronald Reagan 

When I reach out to people it is with the intent to share what I have learned and experienced in the health and wellness arena.  Coming from a teaching position rather than from a salesperson’s position, l listen to what people say to learn about their concerns and gain a better understanding that allows me to suggest a healthier path for them.

My claim is not as an expert in this field, however the 12 years of working with our healthy technologies and whole-food supplements has given me many valuable experiences and tools. 

Under previous names and ownership we have arrived at our present name, Vollara, a subsidiary of Aerus Holdings, LLC with an 85 year history of rich business successes. 

Our motto is for ‘Uncompromising Health” believing most people are not content to be partially healthy.  We address the essentials of healthy living safeguarding the air you breathe indoors along with surface sanitizing with Space Certified Fresh Air technologies. Water comes in right behind air as an essential for life. We feature alkaline antioxidant water that is proven to be the healthiest choice. Vollara’s Living Water, tested side by side with popular brands, came out on top in performance, reliability, value and ease of maintenance, as reported by several major league strength and conditioning coaches who are responsible for top performing athletes.

American innovation is seen with Vollara’s LaundryPure green technology for cleaner, fluffier laundry using cold water and natural oxygen and hydrogen to replace detergents.

Supplementing our Standard American Diets is essential.  Give the body whole food supplements readily recognized and the body will utilize them.  Add the necessary enzymes and our chelate activated delivery system to the 3 trillion cells that make up our bodies to provide for optimum effectiveness. 

With Vollara, I believe we have the very best to offer for preventing health issues and for helping to correct health challenges.  Not everyone will accept the offer and not everyone will be helped, but I will continue to reach out and share with a genuine desire to help make a difference in peoples’ lives. 

Pat's Contact Info:
Website: http://store.myvollara.com/bpferguison

Email: idahopat79@gmail.com   
Phone: 208-286-8143

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